Amethyst the Assassin

Fury—her own—burned through the miasma.

It was too much, too terrible, too exhilarating not to want more.

amethyst the assassin


Synopsis: A cyborg assassin must murder an empath who is more powerful than anyone expected.

Category: Novel

Genre: Sci-fi, cyberpunk, LGBT

Status: Part 1 in revision, Parts 2 and 3 in progress

Fun fact: I’ve been working on this novel (and eventual series) in some iteration since middle school. Don’t worry, I got over my love triangle phase by college!

When can I read it?: You can read chapter one right here!

As for the rest, I’m producing a “negative first” edition (Part 1 only) to teach myself how to use Vellum, which I plan to make available shortly into the new year.

One sentence just isn’t enough! PLEASE give me a longer synopsis: Well, okay, since you asked nicely.

Amethyst will do anything to survive, even if life is barely worth living.

In an impoverished nation in the throes of revolution, cyborgs and empaths are seen as subhuman. Amethyst is both: a “corrected” empath with a modified brain and mechanical eyes, unable to use her powers. The surgery also blunted her ability to feel, physically and emotionally.

Amethyst would kill to feel alive again.

When she’s sent to kill Niko, the empathic son of a foreign president, she jumps at the opportunity. Little does she know, her target will stir emotions in her stronger than any she’s known before. For better and for worse.

Amethyst the Assassin is a tense and thrilling exploration of what it means to be dehumanized.

What would you do to get your humanity back?

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