This week was all over the place–writing-wise, life-wise, otherwise.

I met some goals while failing spectacularly at others. While I wouldn’t call outline week, mentioned in my last constellations post, an unqualified success, it has resulted in some fruitful brainstorming sessions.

On the other hand, I’m currently shaking my fist at the sky, cursing myself for missing that Artemis Fowl review yet again. It’s becoming my white whale at this point.

When I first started posting on this website, Wednesday was consistently my emptiest day of the week, which made it perfect for putting out book reviews. Now, more and more of that day is taken up with mentally exhausting tasks that can’t easily be allocated elsewhere in the week.

I want to maintain a consistent schedule. Next week is a little odd, since it’s the first Sunday of the month, so I’m posting a YouTube video instead of a Constellations post. Still, I think I’ll shoot for having that review up on Saturday and see how posting back-to-back days works out for me.

As for outline week . . .

I think I knew from the beginning it was a bit of a hubristic endeavor. I didn’t quite hit the goal of doing a full outline every single day, and an hour isn’t enough for me to make all that much headway into a novel outline. Some days, the ideas I came up with lended themselves better to a short story format, so I gave myself permission to run with that.

However, the point of outline week was to get the ball rolling on new projects that I can develop further when I’m stuck on my main writing projects. I’m pretty happy with how that aspect turned out.

Without further ado, here are the seven projects I started plotting during outline week!

Anatomy City

In a world where humans can implant microscopic cities in their bodies to harvest and sell bioenergy, a rogue architect must choose between survival and constructing the city of her dreams.

Victim Complex

An involuntarily hospitalized patient attempts to escape, resulting in increasingly surreal encounters with doctors and other patients.

The Girl on the Balcony

A depressed individual becomes infatuated with a woman they pass on their daily walk, soon realizing that the woman has a different face every day.

From the Tallest Tower

A young wizard escapes from the cult she was raised in, but the scars of her upbringing prove impossible to outrun.


A musician with the ability to preserve the souls of the dying in song must choose whether to write a melody for a suicidal friend or let her go.

The Day the Dinosaurs Died

The comet that killed the dinosaurs recounts the final day of the Mesozoic Era from above.

The Glass Delusion

A woman who believes she is made of glass tries to go about her daily life without shattering.


I’m aiming to get that last Artemis Fowl review up on Saturday and a new video Sunday! You can also check out my Tumblr where I’m going to be hosting a quote countdown every day from May 1st to May 14th in anticipation of Of One Blood going up for preorder!

What is a quote countdown?

Basically, I’ll be posting a new quote from Of One Blood and accompanying graphic every day up to the release, starting with my 14th-favorite quote and working my way up to #1. Pauline Hopkins was an amazing author, and I’m honored to get to share her words with everyone.

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